Heart Fairy
Well....technically a substitute "tooth fairy" last night :P but...it's for my nephew..and I love my nephews (and nieces)...and when they stay with us. Tonight, said nephew lost a tooth (he's 7) and then...we rubbed off on him I guess lol and he literally lost it...so we wrote the tooth fairy a note...Jillian helped him... "Dear Tooth Fairy, I lost my tooth and can I still have some money because I really want some money. Love, Wesley"

Now, I texted his mom and asked how much to give....but she surely isn't still awake as late as I am lol...so the going-rate here turned out to be $3... inflation really hit when my kids came along (and heard how much their cousins were getting...this began about 6 or 7 yrs ago...)...and they get a LOT more than I used to get, let me tell you (we're talking pocket change, though mostly quarters.) And yes...the tooth fairy is one of our "guilty pleasures"...on the one hand, I feel too "secular" doing it...on the other, I think of Tolkien and other childhood fantasies that are fun....and say why not? eh...only one more kid to go and so far no permanent damage...
....but anyway, my older two know the TRUTH now, and well....said nephew does not :) So I got to "play" a little tonight. And I loved it...and dear nephew will love the $3 (well, hopefully his normal tooth fairy wouldn't dream of giving him more than that per tooth! :P)
This past Saturday, I was blessed to be able to attend and take Micah to our diocese's Ordination Mass for this year. 5 Seminarians and 1 (the 1st in the USA! our good friend Father Matthew Venuti) Anglican Ordinariate became Catholic priests! (you will be hearing more on that in the future) And one new deacon! I rode down with a friend and 3 other kids to Mobile ("on a 3 hr tour, a 3 hour tour.." lol) ...the Cathedral was so beautiful (did you see October Baby? yeh, the one she goes in to pray... :) it's a minor Basilica...if you don't know about this rare honor (well rare as in over 1500 in the world), read here , down to the bottom....an honor bestowed by the Pope. Anyway....this Mass had all the "bells and smells" :) which means, to me, it was BEAUTIFUL and awe-inspiring.
Heart Fonderer(erer..)
A stretch? lol Well...here's my thinking... "absence makes the heart grow fonder"....so....my heart is growing ...er,..."fonderer and fonderer" this week :P LOL ..........Because it is Catholic HEART Workcamp week, which means Doug is gone for a week, taking our kids to Chicago this year. It's an amazing time for the teens...and adults too, as they watch the teens go through it.... And this year is extra special being in Chicago...just sounds more fun in the "windy city" than the sweltering hot places they've been before LOL But anyhoo....so...I don't sleep well the weeks Doug is gone...and yes, I miss the "ol' man" :P So....my heart is growing......fonderer :P BTW the pic is us on our honeymoon....see the GLOW on our faces :) Ahh...l'amore! lol
Now, check out Micaela's h3 :) What's on YOUR "heart" today?
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